Saturday, June 14, 2008

Single Reviews 15/06/08

Yes, we’re fully aware that we skipped last week’s Single Reviews. And not out of choice either, given that Feeder would’ve walked it (and frankly, any opportunity to put them on a pedestal is seen as compulsory round these parts). Instead, keep your minces peeled for our upcoming review of their album, and enjoy this week’s singles in the meantime…

It seems that while Hanson are off becoming ministers or having children in spite of them being children themselves, the Jonas Brothers have filled their boots rather nicely. Mind you, bearing in mind these boots are actually stale, sensible Jesus sandals designed for walking in the middle of the All-American road, that’s no good thing. SOS is bland, forgettable airwave wadding.

Next up, Jesse McCartney, who if we’d cared enough about, we’d have already dismissed as a one-man Us 5. Who’d have thought a tweenage fluff rockabilly would transform into Robin Thicke’s very own Mini-Me? While the cash register sound effect is questionable, there’s something highly engaging about Leavin’ – you can almost hear Shayne Ward firing his A&R man from here…

Weezer seem content in quietly being one of the greatest bands on Earth, proving they’re as consistent as they are musically-endowed. The breathtakingly brilliant Pork & Beans also boasts the latest in a lengthy line of outstanding videos, but even when removed from this, you’re still left with a concrete example of kickass Weezer wondrousness. Single of the Week by a mile.

And finally, after the frankly barking yet still considerably dull Touch My Body, Mariah Carey has opted to pluck a number from her “Tried & Tested” pile. The wishy-washy Bye Bye is Mariah at her benchmark dullest, which probably bodes well for her mental health, but not for much else. And while she may never want to return to her power ballad days, watery Ashanti ballads probably aren’t the way forward.

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