Thursday, March 15, 2007

Single Reviews 19/03/07

You lucky bleeders, you get the Single Reviews early this week! Much as we’d like to say it’s because we love you, it’s actually due to a Sloppy Dog staff outing to Devon. We’re actually rather excited to see whether all native Devonians now have purple hair and talk with an American accent, or whether that was just an isolated case.

First up, the outrageously bad Glamorous from the firing range target of our dreams, Fergie. While the presence of Ludacris just about separates this from her usual brand of blowaway belly-fluff, it’s nonetheless ten types of tripe. And, much like Fergalicious, a hefty portion of the track is the ever-rough Fergie clumsily reciting the letters of the title. We imagine the album must play out like a brothel hosting a spelling bee.

This week’s Single of the Week is an effortless shoo-in from what threatens to be our favourite new band. Stay The Night, a brass-boasting Britpop anthem courtesy of The Ghosts, channels the Bluetones’ finest moments with a marked noughties update. By far and away the best track of the year thus far, The Sloppy Dog Seal of Approval is rarely stamped this solidly.

Showcasing what must be one of the most bizarre sample choices in contemporary music, Lemar calls forth the hook from Color Me Badd’s I Wanna Sex You Up to add some sort of postmodern urban irony to Tick Tock. While overtly goofy, it’s actually a decent display of Lemar’s talents away from the humdrum Magic staples usually proffered.

Amidst a multitude of beeps and a diet house thump, Hilary Duff affords us the transitional With Love, a tough-talking declaration of leg-shaving womanhood. Evidently more a statement heralding a lid on the endearing Disney ditties than a keenness to break new musical grounds, it’ll keep California’s kiddies chuffed enough til Britney gets it together.

Finally, the debut mainstream release from The Twang, another band expected to conquer the globe in 2007. Perhaps a review alongside the far-superior Ghosts is what’s preventing us from getting majorly excited, but there’s certainly a modicum of potential in Wide Awake. Rather like Doves without the sweeping drama, but also without the killer choruses. Meh. It’ll do.

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