Saturday, September 29, 2007

Single Reviews 01/10/07

As the stinking weather of the past week has been pointing towards, October is upon us. A month in which The X Factor live shows commence, the Spice Girls tickets finally go on sale, and generally a whole heap of pop culture events occur, providing us with masses of potential material to rant about. We realise normal people would probably think of Halloween first. Single Reviews, anyone?

First up, a dose of femmecentric power pop comes courtesy of Aly & AJ. On paper, they’re deceptively tweenesque and throwaway, but scratch the surface and there’s a display of sizeable talent underneath. Potential Break-Up Song is a balls-out, infectious slice of attitude-riddled pop that the Pussycat Dolls would sell their crabs treatment for. Samanda they certainly ain’t.

Given that their last album saw both the best (Dakota) and worst (Superman) singles of their career, It Means Nothing has a tough job heralding the comeback of the Stereophonics. It seems to be seated carefully between the two, an easy-on-the-ears strummer with a wafting melody. Sure, they’re showing their age, but it’s preferable to a painful U2-style defiance of maturity, and pleasing enough to earn our Single of the Week title. Check back for a full review of Pull The Pin in a few weeks…

Ditching the repugnant chanting, the pseudo-political whinging, and the klaxons-where-notes-should-be schtick, you’d think we might lessen our hatred of M.I.A. - however, she’s replaced them with cacophonous McRap and fetid gay disco strings. Jimmy further emphasizes how unmistakably, categorically shit this woman is, in turn raising questions as to why she’s seen as some sort of urban deity. Oh, and she’s from Mitcham, by the way, which is, in no manner, a ‘ghetto’.

Similarly shite but in completely different ways is Kate Nash, whose horrific Mouthwash made us shrivel with embarrassment back when reviewing her feeble Made of Bricks album. Sadly, it hasn’t gotten any better with repeated play, possibly as it still contains the lyrics “I use mouthwash / sometimes I floss”. In the bloody chorus! Where people can hear it! Have some shame, woman.

Finally, continuing their return to top form after the exceptional Autumnsong are the Manic Street Preachers, with the superb Indian Summer. Opening not entirely unlike Design For Life, it’s off to a good start, soon coming into its own as a sweeping, commanding anthem with quintessential Manics aptitude. We really ought to give the album a listen, but the hunt for Spice Girls tickets is about all we can think of right now…

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